Saturday, June 14, 2008

அல் குர் ஆன் - விளக்கம் - அறிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்

57:20. mwpe;J nfhs;Sq;fs;: ''epr;rakhf ,t;Tyf tho;f;if tpisahl;Lk;> Ntbf;ifAk;> myq;fhuKNkahFk;> NkYk; (mJ) cq;fspilNa ngUikabj;Jf; nfhs;tJk;> nghUs;fisAk;> re;jjpfisAk; ngUf;FtJNkahFk;> (,J) kioapd; cjhuzj;Jf;F xg;ghFk;> (mjhtJ:) mJ Kisg;gpf;Fk; gapH tptrhapfis Mde;jg; gLj;JfpwJ> Mdhy;> rPf;fuNk mJ cyHe;J kQ;rs; epwk; Mtij ePH fhz;fpwPH; gpd;dH mJ $skhfp tplfpwJ> (cyf tho;Tk; ,j;jifaNj> vdNt cyf tho;tpy; kaq;fpNahUf;F) kWikapy; fLikad NtjidAz;L; (K/kpd;fSf;F) my;yh`;tpd; kd;dpg;Gk;> mtd; nghUj;jKk; cz;L - MfNt> ,t;Tyf tho;f;if Vkhw;Wk; nrhw;g RfNk jtpu (NtW) ,y;iy.

24:30. (egpNa!) K/kpd;fshd MltHfSf;F ePH $WtPuhf; mtHfs; jq;fs; ghHitfisj; jho;j;jpf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;; jq;fs; ntl;fj; jyq;fisg; Ngzpf;fhj;Jf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;; mJ mtHfSf;F kpfg; ghprj;jkhdjhFk;; epr;rakhf my;yh`; mtHfs; nra;gtw;iw ed;F njhpe;jtd;.

4:1. kdpjHfNs! cq;fs; ,iwtDf;Fg; gae;J ele;J nfhs;Sq;fs;> mtd; cq;fs; ahtiuAk; xNu Mj;khtpypUe;J gilj;jhd;> mthpypUe;Nj mtH kidtpiaAk; gilj;jhd;;. gpd;dH ,t;tpUthpypUe;J> mNef Mz;fisAk; ngz;fisAk; (ntspg;gLj;jp cyfpy;) gutr; nra;jhd;;. MfNt> my;yh`;Tf;Nf gae;J nfhs;Sq;fs;;. mtidf;nfhz;Nl ePq;fs; xUtUf;nfhUtH (jkf;Fhpa chpikfisf;) Nfl;Lf; nfhs;fpwPHfs;;. NkYk; (cq;fs;) ,uj;jf; fyg;Gila cwtpdHfisAk; (MjhpAq;fs;). - epr;rakhf my;yh`; cq;fs; kPJ fz;fhzpg;gtdhfNt ,Uf;fpd;whd;.

9:23. mtHfis ePq;fs; ghJfhg;gsHfshf vLj;Jf; nfhs;shjPHfs;. cq;fspy; ahNuDk; mtHfis ghJfhg;ghsHfshf vLj;Jf; nfhz;lhy;> mtHfs; jhd; mepahaf;fhuHfs; MthHfs

24:4 .vtHfs; fw;Gs;s ngz;fs; kPJ mtJ}W $wp (mij ep&gpf;f) ehd;F rhl;rpfisf; nfhz;L tutpy;iyNah> mtHfis ePq;fs; vz;gJ firab mbAq;fs;; gpd;dH mtHfsJ rhl;rpaj;ij vf;fhyj;jpYk; Vw;Wf; nfhs;shjPHfs; - epr;rakhf mtHfs;jhd; jPatHfs

24:23 vtHfs; K/kpdhd xOf;fKs;s> Ngij ngz;fs; kPJ mtJ}W nra;fpwhHfNsh> mtHfs; epr;rakhf ,k;ikapYk;> kWikapYk; rgpf;fg;gl;ltHfs;¢ ,d;Dk; mtHfSf;Ff; fLikahd NtjidAKz;L.
80:34. me;j ehspy; kdpjd; tpuz;L XLthd; - jd; rNfhjuid tpl;Lk; -

80:35. jd; jhia tpl;Lk;> jd; je;ijia tpl;Lk;;

80:36. jd; kidtpia tpl;Lk;> jd; kf;fis tpl;Lk;-

80:37. md;W xt;nthU kdpjDf;Fk; mtdtd; (mty) epiyNa NghJkhdjhapUf;Fk;.

80:38 .me;ehspy; rpy Kfq;fs; ,yq;fpf; nfhz;bUf;Fk;.

80:39 .rphpj;jitahfTk;> kfpo;TilajhfTk; ,Uf;Fk;.

80:40. Mdhy; me;ehspy; - (NtW) rpy Kfq;fs;> mtw;wpd; kPJ GOjp gbe;jpUf;Fk;.

80:41 .mtw;iwf; fUik ,Us; %bapUf;Fk;.

80:42 .mtHfs;jhk;> epuhfhpj;jtHfs>; jPatHfs;.

67:14 .(midj;ijAk;) gilj;jtd; mwpa khl;lhdh? mtd; EZf;fkhf ftdpg;gtd;; ahtw;;iwAk; ed;F njwpe;jtd;.

2:216 .NghH nra;jy; - mJ cq;fSf;F ntWg;ghf ,Ug;gpDk; - (cq;fs; eyd; fUjp) cq;fs; kPJ tpjpf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. ePq;fs; xU nghUis ntWf;fyhk;; Mdhy; mJ cq;fSf;F ed;ik gag;gjhf ,Uf;Fk;;. xU nghUis ePq;fs; tpUk;gyhk;> Mdhy; mJ cq;fSf;Fj; jPik gag;gjhf ,Uf;Fk;. (,tw;iwnay;yhk;) my;yh`; mwpthd;> ePq;fs; mwpakhl;BHfs

85:16 .jhd; tpUk;gpatw;iwr; nra;fpwtd;.

3:182 .,jw;F fhuzk; Kd;dNkNa cq;fs; iffs; nra;J mDg;gpa nfl;l nray;fNsahFk;;. epr;rakhf my;yh`; jd; mbahHfSf;F vt;tpj mePjpAk; nra;gtdy;yd;.

5:79 ,d;Dk; jhk; nra;J nfhz;bUe;j jPa fhhpaq;fistpl;L xUtiunahUtH jLg;NghuhfTk; mtHfs; ,Uf;ftpy;iy¢ mtHfs; nra;J nfhz;bUe;jitnay;yhk; epr;rakhf kpfTk; jPaitahFk;.

5:100 (egpNa!) jPait mjpfkhf ,Ug;gJ ck;ik Mr;rhpag;gLj;jpa NghjpYk;> 'jPaJk;> ey;yJk; rkkhfh vdNt> mwpthspfNs! my;yh`;Tf;F mQ;rp ele;J nfhs;Sq;fs;. mjdhy; ePq;fs; ntw;wpailtPHfs;" vd;W ePH $WtPuhf.

7:201 epr;rakhf vtHfs; (my;yh`;Tf;F) mQ;RfpwhHfNsh> mtHfSf;Fs; i\j;jhdpypUe;J jtwhd vz;zk; Cryhbdhy;> mtHfs; (my;yh`;it) epidf;fpd;whHfs; - mtHfs; jpBnud tpopg;gile;J (i\j;jhdpd; #o;r;rpiaf;) fhz;fpwhHfs;.

7:153 Mdhy; jPa nray;fs; nra;J nfhz;bUe;NjhH (kde;jpUe;jp)> jt;gh nra;J¢ (ghtq;fspypUe;J tpyfp cz;ikahf) ek;gpf;if nfhz;lhy; - epr;rakhf mjd;gpd; ck;Kila ,iwtd; kd;dpg;gtdhfTk;> kpf;f fpUig nra;gtdhfTkpUf;fpd;whd;.

ePq;fs; tpgr;rhuj;ij neUq;fhjPHfs;¢ epr;rakhf mJ khdf;NflhdjhFk;. NkYk;> (NtW NfLfspd; gf;fk; ,Oj;Jr; nry;Yk;) jPa topahfTk; ,Uf;fpd;wJ.

(egpNa!) vd; mbahHfSf;F mtHfs; mofpaijNa nrhy;y Ntz;Lk; vd;W $WtPuhf! epr;rakhf i\j;jhd; mtHfSf;fpilapy; (jPaijj; J}z;b) tp\kQ; nra;thd;¢ epr;rakhf i\j;jhd; kdpjDf;Fg; gfpuq;fkhd giftdhf ,Uf;fpd;whd;.

23:63 Mdhy; mtHfSila ,jaq;fs; ,ijf; Fwpj;J mwpahikapNyNa (Mo;e;J) fplf;fpd;wd¢ ,d;Dk;> mtHfSf;F ,Jtd;wp (NtW jPa) fhhpaq;fSk; cz;L. mjid mtHfs; nra;J tUfpwhHfs;.

41:36 cq;fSf;F i\j;jhdplj;jpypUe;J VNjDk; Crhl;lk; (jPaijr; nra;a) ck;ikj; J}z;Lkhapd;> clNd my;yh`;tplk; fhty; Njbf; nfhs;tPuhf! epr;rakhf mtd; (ahtw;iwAk;) nrtpNaw;gtd;¢ ed;fwpgtd;.

2:126 (,d;Dk; epidT $Wq;fs;:) ,g;uh`Pk;: ',iwth! ,e;jg; gl;lzj;ijg; ghJfhg;ghd ,lkhf Mf;fp itg;ghahf! ,jpy; trpg;Nghhpy; ahH my;yh`;itAk; ,Wjp ehisAk; ek;GfpwhHfNsh mtHfSf;Fg; gy tiff; fdptHf;fq;fisAk; nfhz;L cztspg;ghahf" vd;W $wpdhH¢ mjw;F ,iwtd; $wpdhd;: '(Mk;¢) ahH ek;gpf;if nfhs;stpy;iyNah mtDf;Fk; rpwpJ fhyk; RfhDgtj;ij mspg;Ngd;¢ gpd;dH mtid euf neUg;gpd; Ntjidapy; epHge;jpg;Ngd; - mtd; NrUk; ,lk; kpfTk; nfl;lNj."

2:197 `[;[{f;Fhpa fhyk; Fwpg;glg;gl;l khjq;fshFk;¢ vdNt> mtw;wpy; vtNuDk; (,`;uhk; mzpe;J) `[;i[ jk; kPJ flikahf;fpf; nfhz;lhy;> `[;[pd; fhyj;jpy; rk;Nghfk;> nfl;l thHj;ijfs; NgRjy;> rr;ruT - Mfpait nra;jy; $lhJ; ePq;fs; nra;Ak; xt;nthU ed;ikiaAk; my;yh`; mwpe;jdhfNt ,Uf;fpwhd;¢ NkYk; `[;[{f;Fj; Njitahd nghUl;fisr; rpj;jg;gLj;jp itj;Jf; nfhs;Sq;fs;¢ epr;rakhf ,t;thW rpj;jg;gLj;jp itg;gtw;Ws; kpfTk; i`uhdJ(ed;ikahdJ)> jf;th(vd;Dk; gagf;jpNa) MFk;¢ vdNt ey;ywpTilNahNu! vdf;Nf gagf;jpAld; ele;J nfhs;Sq;fs;.

2:267 ek;gpf;if nfhz;NlhNu! ePq;fs; rk;ghjpj;jtw;wpypUe;Jk;> G+kpapypUe;J ehk; cq;fSf;F ntspg;gLj;jpj; je;j (jhdpaq;fs;> fdp tiffs; Nghd;w)tw;wpypUe;Jk;> ey;ytw;iwNa (jhd jHkq;fspy;) nryT nra;Aq;fs;¢ md;wpAk; nfl;ltw;iwj; Njb mtw;wpypUe;J rpytw;iw (jhd jHkq;fspy;) nrytopf;f ehlhjPHfs;¢ Vnddpy; (mj;jifa nghUs;fis NtnwtUk; cq;fSf;Ff; nfhLj;jhy; ntWg;Gld;)> fz; %bf; nfhz;Nlay;yhJ mtw;iw ePq;fs; thq;f khl;BHfs;! epr;rakhf my;yh`; (vthplj;Jk;> ve;jj;) NjitAkw;wtdhfTk;> GfOf;nfy;yhk; chpatDkhfTk; ,Uf;fpd;whd; vd;gij ePq;fs; ed;fwpe;J nfhs;Sq;fs;.

5:39 vtNuDk;> jk; jP;r;nraYf;fhf kdk; tUe;jpj; jk;ikr; rPH jpUj;jpf; nfhz;lhy; epr;rakhf my;yh`; (mtH jt;ghit Vw;W) kd;dpf;fpwhd;. epr;rakhf my;yh`; kpfTk; kd;dpg;NghdhfTk;> fUizAilNahdhfTk; ,Uf;fpd;whd;.

57:21 .cq;fs; ,iwtdpd; kd;dpg;gpw;Fk; RtHf;fj;jpw;Fk; ePq;fs; Ke;Jq;fs;> mr;RtHf;fj;jpd; gug;G> thdj;jpDilaTk;> G+kpapDilaTk; gug;igg; Nghd;wjhFk;> vtHfs; my;yh`;tpd; kPJk;> mtd; J}jH kPJk; mtHfSf;F mJ rpj;jk; nra;J itf;fg;gl;bUf;fpwJ. mJ my;yh`;Tila fpUigahFk; - mjid mtd; ehbatUf;F mspf;fpd;whd;. ,d;Dk;> my;yh`; kfj;jhd fpUigAilatd;.

ஜன்னத் - JANNAH ANNOUNCED - जन्नाह अन्नौंसद

When Mu'min will enter into Jannah, it will be announced

1. You will remain healthy forever, disease will never come.

2. You will remain alive for ever, death will never come.
3. You will remain in bounties which will never be finished.

Jannat is made with

Bricks of
Gold and Silver.
Its cement is of perfumed Musk.
Its chips are pearls and Yaqoot.
Its sand is

There are eight doors ofJannah. These are eight grades of Jannat

1. Jannatul Mava

2. Darul Maqaam
3. Darul Salaam
4. Darul Khuld
5. Jannat-ul-Adan
6. Jannat-ul-Naeem
7. Jannat-ul-Kasif
8. Jannat-ul-Firdous

Food of Jannah

They will eat foods and fruits continuously up to 40 years.
Every bowl will have a new taste.
They will take eructation which will digest the food and there will be perfumed sweating for the digestion of water.

There will be no urine and stool.

Place Name

There will be gardens in Jannah.
Every garden will have the length of about 100 year's journey.
The shadow of these gardens will be very dense.
Their plants will be free of thorns.
The size of their leaves will be equal to ears of elephants.
Their fruits will be hanging in rows.

Jannatul Mava is in the lowest,

Jannat-ul-Adan is the middle &
Jannat-ul- Firdous is on the highest.

Those who love each other for the sake of Allah will get a pillar of Yaqoot,
On which there will be seventy thousand (70,000) rooms.
These will shine for the residents of Jannah as the sun shines for the residents of Duniya.

There will be rooms in Jannah in such a way that every room will have seventy thousand (70,000) dinning sheets.

On every dinning sheet 70,000 types of foods will be served.
For their service 80,000 young boys will be moving around looking like beautiful scattered pearls.

One bunch of dates will be equal to the length of 12 arms.
The size of a date will be equal to the big pitcher.
These will be whiter than milk, sweeter than honey and softer than butter and free
Of seeds.
The stem of these plants will be made up of gold and silver.
There will also be gardens of grapes. The bunches of grapes will be very big.

The size of a single grape will be equal to a big pitcher.

Someone asked, ya Rasulullah (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam):
will it be sufficient for me and my family. It was answered, it will be sufficient for you and your whole tribe.

The Dresses of Jannat

The dress of Jannah will be very beautiful.

One will wear 70 dresses at a time.
These will be very fine, delicate, weightless, having different colors.
These dresses will be so fine that the body even the heart will be visible.
And the waves of love in the hearts will also be visible.
These dresses will never become old, never be dirty and will never tear.

There will be four canals in every Jannah.

2. Milk
3. Honey
4. Sharabun Tahoora.

There will also be three fountains in Jannah:

1. Kafoor

2. Zanjabeel
3. Tasneem

Qualities of People of Jannah

In Jannah, height of every Mo 'min, will be equal to the height of

Hazrat Adam (Alaihissalaam) 60 arms (90 feet).
Beauty will be like that of Hazrat Yousuf (Alaihissalaam)
Age of youth will be like that of Hazrat Esa (Alaihissalaam) 30-33 years).
Sweetness of voice will be like that of Hazrat Dawud (Alaihissalaam) .
Tolerance will be like that of Hazrat Yaqoob (Alaihissalaam)
Patience will be like that of Hazrat Ayyub (Alaihissalaam. )
Habits will be like that of Sayyaduna Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam)


If a person makes Du'a for Jannah three times,
Jannah requests Allah that O, Allah; make his entry into Jannah.
And if a person makes Du'a for safety from Jahannum three times,
The Jahannnum requests Allah that, O, Allah; save him from Jahannum.

Please pass on and may Allah grant the entire Ummah of Nabi sallalahu alayhi wasallam Jannat ul Firdous Ameen!

Friday, June 13, 2008

My Father @ Sameeha

Shameeha @ Haji.Ahamed Moosa

Please You Care...!

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal. A serious note about heart attacks - You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive. A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this message sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. Read this & Send the link to a friend. It could save a life. So, please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about.